Going to college should be an exciting experience, but having to move into and out of your dorm or apartment each summer can make it stressful and overwhelming. As a service, Moving Masters offers a summer storage program, which allows students in local universities to easily and affordably have their belongings moved and stored through the summer. We will pick up anything you don’t want to take home from college, store it in our secure and climate controlled warehouse, and then deliver it to your dorm at the start of the fall semester.
Between studying for finals, finishing big projects, and trying to see your friends as much as possible before the summer break, you have a lot on your plate at the end of the spring semester. If you add in having to move every single item you own, it’s enough to make your end of the year experience dreadful rather than fun. Let Moving Masters streamline your moving process so you can focus on your finals.
Our expert movers are trained to carefully move, store, and return your items without damaging them. We will pick up anything from furniture to electronics to boxes of clothes and knick-knacks. You won’t have to move anything, because we will come right to your dorm or apartment whenever you need us to.
Each item we store will be inventoried with a barcode. We will provide you with an itemized list of everything we are storing. Your belongings will be moved to our warehouse, which has advanced security systems, smoke detectors, and a controlled climate to ensure your items are not damaged.
At the start of the fall semester, our team makes sure that every inventoried item is returned to the designated address and to the correct owner. With over three decades of moving experience, we take pride in being reliable, reputable, and professional.
We are currently able to accommodate students at the following universities:
With Moving Masters, you can rest assured that we will take great care of your belongings. The last thing you need to be worrying about is how to convince five of your friends to help you move that really heavy couch. Let us do that for you. To learn more or to reserve your space, please contact Moving Masters.