How to Move an Office on Short Notice

Nobody wants to go through a rushed office relocation, but when things unexpectedly change you have to act fast and stay organized. Maybe your business is growing so fast you’re running out of space, a natural disaster has hit, or you’ve found a new space that you have to move into quickly. Whatever the reason, keep calm and follow these tips to get through your last-minute move:

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3 Ways to Clean Out Before You Move Out

There is no better time to declutter than when packing to move. Whether you’re moving commercial buildings or specialty spaces, chances are you have accumulated items or equipment that go unused. Rather than having to pack items with no utility, take the time to sort out what is and isn’t going to your new location.

Are those mismatched office chairs from the back-conference room worth the trouble of transporting? Is that machine from eight years ago still relevant? If your answer is “no”, then check out our list of how to clean out before you move out.

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4 Safety Tips For Moving Furniture

Moving heavy furniture can be a very risky business, especially if you have no prior experience moving large pieces of furniture and even more so if you’re moving it alone. If you’re planning to take on a furniture move on your own, we have provided some tips below that can help you avoid personal injuries and any damage to your possessions when moving from one space to another.

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Temporary Storage During an Office Renovation: Pros and Cons

Office renovations can be tricky and require quite a bit of forethought to avoid having a negative impact on productivity or increased liability for injuries. Moving Masters understands the stress renovations can cause and have been successfully moving corporate offices for over 30 years. Our fleet of 40 trucks and over 100 trained moving professionals will make any temporary move during an office renovation stress-free.

Top Pros for temporary storage during an office renovation:

  1. No dust: Depending on the type of renovation you are doing, dust from exposed ceilings, walls, and floors will make its way throughout the office. Moving furniture and equipment from one side to another and covering them will do little to lessen the amount of post-renovation cleaning required (or potential damage from dust).
  2. Safety for employees and visitors: Stacking things up high on shelves or having cluttered walkways could lead to accidents, such as injuries from falling items or employees slipping and falling.
  3. Purging: When having to clear out a section of the office for renovation, a company is forced to take a look at useless assets. Many companies find that it is easier to fill up a dumpster or to donate items, then them in a storage unit or find a place to put them after the renovation.
  4. Peace of mind: Hiring a professional commercial moving and storage company, such as Moving Masters (hint, hint), will significantly reduce the stress to an already stressful renovation.

Top Cons for temporary storage during an office renovation:

  1. Cost: Having employees move the office equipment and supplies from one room to the next will undoubtedly save money on storage and professional moving. However, there are increased risks (see above).
  2. Accessibility: If you accidentally stored an important file or piece of equipment, you will not be able to access it easily if it is in a far off storage unit.

Other tips:

When packing for temporary storage during an office renovation, be sure to keep in mind the items your employees use on a daily basis. Otherwise, you’ll end up having to make multiple trips to storage to retrieve them or purchase new.

Pick a length of time when deciding what gets purged. For example, if an item hasn’t been used in a year or more (i.e. a three-hole punch), there’s a good chance it won’t be used in the future. Here’s 3 Steps to Simplify Your Move With Packers.

Ask yourself these questions to make sure your business runs smoothly during renovation:

  • Will I need swing space (temporary working space) to accommodate employees?
  • Will I need to add new wayfinding signs so customers or clients are directed appropriately?
  • Will there be enough restrooms for employees and visitors?

Temporary storage during an office renovation can be a hassle, we know, but that’s why Moving Masters is here to do all the heavy lifting. Give us a call before you begin your office renovation!

10 Office Move Budget Tips To Consider Before Moving Offices

10 budget considerations for your next office move

It’s hard to predict what’s going to come up when moving your corporate or government office. By budgeting properly you can prepare for the worst scenario. How do you know if you’ve budgeted properly for that scenario? Here are 10 office move budget tips to consider before your next office move. These tips will help ensure you’re keeping the stress and hassle of moving in check. In addition to staying on top of your budget, it’s important to make sure you are choosing the best time to move. This will ensure you and your employees have adequate time to prepare. 10 Office Move Budget Tips To Consider Before Moving Offices

Make a budget

You can’t stick to a budget if you don’t have one! Once you’ve created a budget template and before getting started on adding items to the budget, make sure you set a budget.

Create a budget template

These are simple to create, or you can download one online. A budget template will help keep everything organized.


Take an inventory of all assets before you begin packing. This can help discourage theft and will help you keep track of anything missing during the move.

Moving expenses

Get an estimate 4-6 weeks prior to moving and include the moving company’s fee in your budget plans. If you have items worth more than they are currently insured for, consider getting quotes for this and add the highest one to your budget template.

Extra Services

Make sure you know what it costs to have your moving company pack your files. Moving Masters’ highly skilled packers will make sure all your files, including confidential materials, get to the new office safe and secure.

Extra Charges

Consider extra charges for things like packing, expedited services, or holiday moving.

New Office Costs

Include things like security deposit, rent, legal fees, building insurance, new furniture, archiving and storage.

Repairs On The Existing Office

Are these repairs your responsibility or the landlord’s? Check your lease to be sure and budget for repairs if necessary.

Employee Hours

Don’t forget to account for employee’s time that will be spent assisting with the move.

Marketing Costs

Spend time planning a marketing/PR strategy to let clients know of your new location. Business cards, letterhead, website, search listings, social media accounts will need to be updated.

Moving can be a hassle, we know, but that’s why Moving Masters is here to do all the heavy lifting. Give us a call alt=”contact us” title=”contact us” before moving to your new office!

Don’t Make These Five Common Moving Mistakes

A move, whether big or small, is a time consuming and often challenging process. The weather may not cooperate or you may miss an important detail. With Moving Masters’ expertise from office to specialty moving, we’re all too familiar with moving mistakes and have created expert procedures for each move we assist in.Read more »